Thursday, June 26, 2008


Some Statistics to look at

I am really enjoying the fact that this blog ( is visited by people from all the world.

According to statistics the most visited page here is Вопросы к Зачету\Экзамену по Численным Методам.
Whereas the most common search terms which leads to the page are корректоры нелинейности, решение задач методом данилевского and метод гаусса вычисления обратной матрицы. You can see more on the picture:

As you can see the great majority of coming here are trying to find some math methods online. So i think there will more of that kind of information here. Contact me if you have ideas or suggestions about it.

As for search engines, - 87% of people came from Google and only 13% from Yandex. I mean only because when talking about russian internet Yandex is beating Google. But guys from Google are working really hard to change the situation.

And we should to do the same, - to do things where we are good at and make them as good as we can. Keep Your Mind Wide Open!

The Music

I recently found awesome online music radio. They play great variety of electronic stuff and you will always find something you would want to listen. I really love their Minimal Techno. They have lives with great european djs so you won't be wanting to go go to bed today)...

Here is actually the link. Sure, it is absolutely free! Enjoy =)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

В предверии большого футбольного события...

Хотелось бы чтобы у нас также радовались забитым голам.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Эх,были времена...

Кто сколько очков набрал?

Университетские Будни =)

Иногда они приходят снова...

...иногда монетка может упасть ребром и, не решая задачку о ханойской башне, можно получить хорошую оценку в зачетку...